Understand that every time you apply something to the skin, it works. Or “effects” the skin. It doesn’t take long for active ingredients (in lotions & masks) to do their job before being washed away during your next shower. It only takes 30-45 minutes for a treatment cream/masque to work. After that you can wash it off and you’ll get the same effect as if you’d left it on for hours. This is why I know if I’m using an expensive cream/serum per the directions (on my deeply exfoliated skin), leaving it on for hours, and I see no results within 2 weeks. I know that I’ve been using ‘snake oil’. Please subscribe to my ‘Skin Whitening Blog’. I’ll be writing a more in-depth post sharing some controversial skin bleaching methods (with explicate instructions) I’ll explain the skin involving chemical absorption & how to get the most out of your creams/lotions/masks within 30-45 minutes of application. Just rubbing a lotion (like skin bleaching cream) into your skin very well for 5 minutes, works on your skin. You just can’t see the result with the naked eye, yet. There are a couple of factors preventing one from seeing dramatic change, so that one can see instant skin whitening. #1: Chemicals at low concentrations (hydroquinone, arbutin, vitamin-C, etc.) you will not see any results immediately. Or cannot be seen as easily on a FITZ VI as on a FITZ I. #2: The ‘dead skin’ factor. The main factor why you cannot see immediate skin whitening results is because the dead skin is hiding it, and has prevented more of the whitening agent from entering the skin. This is why if you exfoliate with certain herbs, then immediately apply a super high dose skin whitening cream. You get immediate highly visible skin whitening results.
Hydroquinone is a ‘super anti-oxidant’, and as soon as it touches oxidized material/tissue (melanin, which is oxidized tyrosinase) it bleaches it. Kind of like what happens when Clorox bleach splashes on a black t-shirt. If you diluted Clorox with water it would bleach the black t-shirt less right? The less dead skin, the easier the skin bleaching agents can enter the skin and bleach away & clean away the oxidized tyrosinase (melanin). After the melanin is bleached, it’s dead material that needs to be washed away. This is done though the urine (drinking distilled water will clean it all out quicker) and dead skin peeling away. So the next time you peel, the dead melanin (from the last 1-2 applications of skin bleach) will be within those dead skin flakes, along with other impurities poisons & toxins that cause hyperpigmentation. Drinking distilled water washes all that away completely, unlike bottled water and tap water. It especially does so if you drink some before using skin whiting soaps/masques
The point is, rubbing these potent instant skin whitening masks on your skin for the time instructed, will most definitely work as well as any cream (or better) as long as you’re exfoliated & you use these products exactly as directed.

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