If you are new to Skin Bleaching and you’ve never used skin bleach before. You need to start with my Hydroquinone 30% cream. And make sure you read the below information before getting started. Please read HOW DOES SKIN BLEACHING WORK? THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR SKIN

Hydroquinone 30% Cream
Hydroquinone 15% Soap

Please Read:
Hydroquinone is Safe
How to Remove Dark Spots
How to Whiten Dark Knuckles
How to Whiten Dark Feet
More Info

If you’ve already been using high-dose skin bleach {hydroquinone, arbutin, mequinol, etc.} for the last 6 weeks, the below skin bleaching products are ok for you to start using now.

Brightly 40% Cream
Hydroquinone 45%
Mequinol 40% Serum
Mequinol 20% Soap

Skin Whitening Enhancers

If you’re allergic to hydroquinone/arbutin/kojic acid or just prefer herbal skin whiteners, use the products listed below. I sell these creams in medium & small sizes so that you have the option to purchase multiple creams to mix them, or test them to see how your skin likes it.

SA Whitening Peels

Skin Whitening Tea

If you’re a hard core full-body skin bleacher, after you reach your desired skintone you should maintain your new skin color with one of the herbal skin whiteners. Hydroquinone and MEQ are great for turning your skin white, but they do not remove redness/inflammation, diminish wrinkles, tighten skin, or diminish spider veins. The ingredients in my herbal skin bleaching products also have anti-aging and skin beautifying properties as well.

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