PLEASE READ: Best Skin Whitening Pills
‘Follow this guide & the daily regimen
below to whiten your skin with MSM’
***If you’re currently on prescription meds for any health issue, please consult
your physician before adding high-dose MSM to your diet***

There are two main reasons why…#1 MSM removes toxins impurities and filth from your cells. When toxins are removed from your body, your skin automatically looks whiter. It’s exactly like laundering a dirty stained white bath towel. #2 MSM raises your glutathione levels. When glutathione levels are raised skin brightens & whitens by several shades. MSM whitens on two levels and when taken in high doses for several months, MSM causes your body to produce pheomelanin, which is the lighter colored melanin that lighter-skinned people produce. MSM makes your cells porous, clear, clean, and smooths bumpy face skin. This makes your skin reflect light beautifully, hence the “glow” you get from using MSM. So using MSM with your Tretinoin Gel & Saliclear will really beautify your skin. Remember, it’s not just about getting whiter skin. The quality & health of your skin is important also. And MSM has many skin beautifying benefits.The photo below shows the anti-aging effects of MSM when taken in low doses, per the manufacturers suggested dose. When MSM is taken in high doses it fades and removes freckles.

MSM is a ‘beauty mineral’ with too many skin and health benefits. Skin whitening is only one of its gifts. Listed below, are just a few benefits & side effects people have reported experiencing after taking at least 4000mg of MSM daily for 1 month. Some of the below benefits/side-effects won’t be seen until you are taking daily doses of at least 8000mg of MSM or higher. Also realize that everyone is different, so you may not experience some of the rarer side effects (breast growth, etc.) at all, or not until your taking much higher doses of MSM.
• Pheomelanin – After months of taking high-dose MSM your body starts
producing pheomelanin, which is the lighter colored melanin that
lighter-skinned people produce. This starts happening after 3 months
of taking at least 24,000mg MSM daily.
• Nipples Lips & Knuckles Whiten – This is noticed before overall skin
gets lighter. If you’re already a natural FITZ I-II, nipples and lips
look pinker & more rosy. And freckles (if any) will fade away.
• Raises Glutathione Levels (one reason why your skin whitens)
• Removes toxins impurities parasites & filth from your cells (one reason
why your skin whitens)
• Skin & Tissues become More Porous/Permeable – Chemical skin peels absorb
& work very quickly. People have reported using chemical peels like
Glycolic Acid during the day, and by evening their skin has already
started to peel. When it normally takes about 3 days for skin to start
peeling. Oral supplements & vitamins work much better. Because your tissues
are more permeable and clear/clean, it makes it easier for vitamins and
nutrients to enter your cells. Topical creams & lotions work much better
because now the nutrients/active-ingredients can penetrate deeply.
• Anti-Aging – Diminishes wrinkles & dark circles. Tightens skin. Beautifies
skin & gives it a glow (see photo above)
• Clears Complexion – People have reported their acne clearing up and skin
looking smoother.
• Rapid Hair Growth & Hair Thickening – Many have reported having to wax more
often (face & body). As well as head hair growing faster & thicker.• Hair Type Changes- Curly & kinky hair seems to start coming in silkier, wavier,
looser curl pattern.
• Darker Hair – People have reported their gray hair starting to come in dark/black
after taking high dose MSM for a while.
• Gives Energy – Some people have reported replacing MSM powder mixed with orange
juice in place of their morning coffee :::NOTE: MSM will cause insomnia if taken
right before bed:::
• Weightloss – High-dose MSM curbs sugar cravings which prevents over eating when
it comes to sugary snacks & baked goods. It also gets rid of extra yeast/candida.
While on high-dose MSM you’ll feel a little less hungry for sugary sweets. All of
this is why you’ll notice a slight weight loss.
• Rapid Healing & Tissue Repair – Cuts & burns will heal very quickly. As soon as
24 hours. Healing from injury (broken bones) and surgery is much more rapid.
• Better Sleep & Clarity – People have reported having the best night sleep & wake up
full of energy after being on MSM for less than a month.
• Stronger Hair & Nails
• Better Looking Teeth
• Clearer Eye Sclera (whites of your eyes)
• Reduces Inflammation
• Lighter Menstrual Flow
• Evens Skintone
• Softens Skin
• Reduces Raised Scars
• Fades Stretchmarks
• Fuller Breasts Lips & Booty
MSM powder is the strongest, you feel the effects of the MSM much quicker (about 15 mins) because the powder has already been dissolved in a beverage. The powder isn’t tasty at all, so you’ll need a long straw to drink it straight down to keep it from touching your tongue. To help with the bitter taste, it’s best to dissolve your MSM powder in a citrus beverage like orange juice, lemonade, or fruit punch. Especially since MSM works best in the presence of high-dose Vitamin-C. You can also dissolve your MSM powder in orange juice then add that to a blender with frozen fruit & ice to make a fruit smoothie. MSM pills may be easier for some, but please know that the powder form works best and you won’t get as dramatic results from using the pills. MSM powder dissolved in juice is much easier to swallow than a handful of big bulky MSM pills. MSM powder is easiest to work with and is most versatile. You can dissolve it in a beverage, use it as a scrub to wash your face/body, use it in a skin whitening enema, or dissolve some in your bath water for a long soak.
Yes, having MSM in your daily regimen does cause you to have a better night’s sleep. However, if you take MSM right before bedtime it will keep you awake. The same as if you drank a cup of coffee before bed. MSM has strong healing properties & very potent detox properties. You don’t want to experience so much all at once, initially. Doing so can cause nausea, gastritis, and/or headache. Begin taking a regular dose of MSM, then raise the amount weekly until you reach your goal of 24,000 mg/day or higher. Drink lots of water (at least 1/2 oz. per lbs. of body weight daily) specifically distilled water. Always take your supplements with distilled water. Drinking distilled water is better for you and will boost your msm skin lightening results by clearing away all the dead spent melanin, toxins, poisons, and impurities from your body that make skin appear darker. Read my blog posting about ‘Distilled Water’. Now that your tissues/cells are more permeable, your tolerance for alcohol marijuana & other drugs will be much lower. So be careful when indulging, it won’t take as much to get you intoxicated. And especially if you’re on a boat yacht or cruise ship.
- 99.9% MSM Powder (OptiMSM)
- Vitamin-C = 5000mg per day (products: 3000mg, 2000mg)
- 12% or 15% MSM Lotion or Gel
(make sure it doesn’t contain ‘Sodium Benzoate’ preservative. When Sodium Benzoate
is mixed with Vitamin-C it turns into benzene, a known carcinogen). - Pear Juice (contains organic arbutin, a skin whitener) Source #1; Source #2
- Large/Wide Beverage Straw
Use only OptiMSM powder. OptiMSM produces pharmaceutical grade MSM powder that is a 99.9% pure product, a high-quality form of MSM. Their MSM used alone at low dose produces an anti-aging effect.

You have to exfoliate your skin with Tretinoin Gel (face) and Saliclear (body) in order to see any skin whitening from MSM. Even if you’re not using skin bleach. Make sure you drink plenty of water (distilled) while you’re taking these supplements. Your body needs water in order to process & break down these supplements. Drinking distilled water helps wash away the dead melanin so that you’ll see results sooner. And keeping your skin hydrated prevents dry skin which can cause hyperpigmentation. It’s best to use 99% Pure Organic OptiMSM. You can find good OptiMSM powder/pills online or at any local health food store. Start with the below regimen and slowly work your way up to taking daily high doses of MSM. Be sure to split each daily dose in two, rather than taking it all at once. MSM lasts 12 hours in your system, so if you take 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon you’ll have a steady flow of MSM pumping through your system all day, everyday. You can adjust the below regimen to fit your needs, but do not quickly increase dosage or you could cause nausea, gas, and headaches for 24 hours after. Always take your daily supplements with distilled water, you can have distilled water delivered in bulk from Hinckley.
Goal: MSM 24,000mg/daily
Week One: 4g = 4,000mg (1 tspn) once daily
Week Two: 4g = 4,000mg (1 tspn) twice daily (total 8,000mg)
Week Three: 12g = 12,000mg (1 tbsp) once daily
Week Four: 12g = 12,000mg (1 tbsp) twice daily (total 24,000mg)
INSTRUCTIONS: Pour a scoop of your MSM powder into an 8 fl.oz. glass/cup. Then fill the cup to the brim with orange juice (Simply Orange Juice w/ banana is best ?) Use your large straw to stir the juice until the MSM crystals completely dissolve. Put your straw into the glass. Place the straw at the back of your mouth and drink your MSM mix straight down barely having to taste it. It’s best to do this in the morning (or before exercising) because MSM gives you energy and will effect you the same as a cup of coffee, only healthier. You can apply your MSM lotion to your body/face every time you shower or wash your face. You can use your MSM cream as many times a day as you like. If you’re also using skin bleaching cream, you can dilute it with your MSM lotion.
Natural FITZ I: If you are naturally a FITZ I, the type of whitening you’ll see is red spots and red splotches will disappear. Thread veins, tiny hematomas, and dark eye circles will diminish or totally disappear depending on the previous severity. Your nipples, lips, genitals, finger tips, gums, inside of your mouth, vagina, etc. will be pinker and cleaner more healthy looking.
Bleached FITZ I: If you are a FITZ I due to skin bleaching, you’ll notice a difference in how your acne looks and heals. Usually, in FITZ III and darker, acne scars and scratches heal darker than the surrounding skin resulting in dark spots and dark marks. You’ll notice that your acne will stay red, then heal pink colored. Then eventually fade away. This is while you’re on 24,000mg MSM daily. This is because your body now produces a lighter colored melanin (pheomelanin). And because your body now heals faster and better. After months of taking high-dose MSM your body will start producing pheomelanin, a lighter colored melanin that lighter-skinned people produce.FITZ III and Darker: If you’re not using skin bleach, what you’ll first notice change in areas like your nipples, lips, finger tips, hand palms, soles of your feet, and toes. They will start to appear lighter with a pinkish hue. You’ll experience the same thing with scars & acne as a FITZ I. If you’re also using skin bleach, you’ll see all the above a lot sooner. Taking high-dose MSM will give a massive boost to your skin whitening results.
In order to get the most out of any oral supplement you must cleanse your colon. Colon cleansing while taking skin whitening pills, is as important as exfoliating your skin in order to see results while skin bleaching. You need to take a colon cleanse tablet with your skin whitening pills. The colon is lined with mucus so that feces move along smoothly. For most people, their colon has a buildup of this mucus and only receive about 20% of nutrients absorbed from food & supplements (skin whitening pills) into the bloodstream because of this massive buildup. A sponge covered in pancake batter won’t absorb much water. So in order to clear this slimy obstruction you need to clean or wash it away. Do this using oral colon cleanse supplements, you can optionally do weekly colonics (hydrotherapy) also. Eating fresh fruits & vegetables daily also keeps your colon clear, or you can eat a bag of snacking prunes daily. I’ll write a more in-depth blog about ‘The Importance of Colon Cleansing’ soon. You’ll notice a big change in your skin after a cleansing your colon for a month (causes a skin whitening effect also). Don’t use colon cleansing pills that contain Senna, this herb causes bad gas cramps FYI: Weekly colonics are optional, but colonics take 1-2 inches off your waistline with every session ? Best Colon Cleanse Pills: The best colon cleansing supplements won’t give you cramps and only require you to take one capsule daily. Make sure you never purchase colon cleanse supplements that contain ‘Senna’ or ‘Senna Leaf Extract’, it works well to cleanse the colon but causes abdominal cramps due to gas and bloating. I suggest using Irwin Naturals, Aloe & Triphala Active-Cleanse gentle but very effective?
Can you recommend where to purchase a genuine MSM pills or powder?
You can purchase authentic MSM from #iHerb ? No matter what MSM powder you purchase always Make sure you always see “OptiMSM” on the label, this is the best quality MSM powder.
Can I use hydroquinone while taking MSM? Will the MSM still lighten my skin or will the hydroquinone affect the results…
Also what are your thoughts on taking NAC pills and using hydroquinone at the same time.
Adding skin whitening oral supplements to your skin bleaching/whitening regimen would boost the results of your skin whitening.
If I am type 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale, can I get to the second scale using msm? And should I follow a diet?
No. If you want to whiten your skin significantly you must use a skin bleaching product.