Caucasian woman with stretch marks on her belly before and after, stretch marks before and after, how to get rid of stretch marks, stretch marks removal, stretch mark treatment

Are you tired of those ugly dark-brown, dark-red, purplish, colored vein looking stretch marks all over your booty thighs knees and belly???
Do you avoid swim wear & other sexy garments all because of your hideous stretch marks?


How to get rid of stretch marks permanently! If you tried everything look no further! This is the ultimate guide to removing & preventing stretchmarks. This guide will cover ALL skin types FITZ I – FITZ VI {click}. In this guide I will tell you exactly How to get rid of stretch marks . Most of the treatments/products are D.I.Y, but a few will involve cosmetic procedures done in a physician’s office. Most ladies search for products on how to get rid of stretch marks, but there is no one product that will do that. There’s a series of things that need to be done in order to get rid of stretchmarks. Unfortunately, like any scar, stretch marks are considered permanent. But fortunately, like any scar, stretchmarks can be also be removed with time and effort.

Caucasian woman with stretch marks on her belly before and after, scar removal, stretch marks before and after, how to get rid of stretch marks, stretch marks removal, stretch mark treatment


Stretchmarks, also known as striae, is a type of scar that develops when our skin stretches or shrinks too quickly. The abrupt change causes the collagen and elastin in your skin to rupture. As the skin heals, stretch marks start appearing. New stretch marks first appear red and may also feel slightly raised and itchy. This is because the skin is inflamed from the recent trauma caused by overstretching the skin. It’s just like when your lips are dry and crusty, if you try to smile your lips will crack & bleed. These stretch marks appear darker (or lighter) than the surrounding skin and also appear shiny or “silvery”. Hormonal changes can also contribute to the development of stretch marks. Especially fluctuations in cortisone levels which can weaken collagen fibers, one of the primary components of skin that supports firmness and resiliency. Not everyone develops stretch marks. Hormone levels and family genetics can increase your chances of stretch marks. If you do develop stretch marks it commonly happens during:

• Growth spurts (puberty)
• Pregnancy
• Rapid weight gain or loss
• While taking certain medications
• Rapid muscle growth/girth due to weight training

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Fibroblast Plasma Pen (optional)
TCA 30% (optional)
Derma Pen w/ syringe
• Mesotherapy Ampules: BCN Base; BCN ECQ10;
Asian Centella; Amino Acids; Vitamin-A Retinol;
Vitamin-C 20%
Iodine Scrub Brush
• Galvanic Roller (penetrates serums deep into the skin)
HydroPeptide Active Body Scrub
HydroPeptide Soothing Balm
HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift
Exfoliating Bath Gloves
HQ30% Cream (FITZ I – FITZ VI)
EGF Serum
• Fresh Lemons
Disposable Gloves
Centella asiatica Extract (gotu kola)
Carrot Seed Essential Oil
Myrrh Essential Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Geranium Essential Oil
Bergamot Essential Oil
16 oz. jar
Glass Measuring Cup
Stick Mixer

After you purchase your HydroPeptide products you need to add a few things to them. Add 10 drops of each of the essential oils to the balm and the bodylift and mix thoroughly. Empty the bottle of body lift lotion into a glass measuring cup, add the above ingredients, mix, then pour the bodylift lotion back into the bottle and replace the pump. Puree one of the lemons whole. Squeeze and empty the entire tube of body scrub into your 16 oz. jar, add 10 drops of each of the essential oils, then add the pureed lemon. Mix well then replace the jar top. You will need to keep this jar of body scrub refrigerated to prevent spoilage. Puree 1 whole lemon then strain the juice out with a cheese cloth. Pour the lemon juice into a small spray bottle, keep it refrigerated until needed.


You need to prim & prep your skin first. Shower and lightly exfoliate your buttocks/thighs/belly/etc. using your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide scrub. Make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/belly in a circular motion upwards. When you get out of the shower, towel dry then spray lemon juice all over your skin then rub it to spread it evenly. Fan your skin until the lemon juice dries (it will stop stinging when it dries) then apply a thin layer of Saliclear over the area. Rub the Saliclear in well, then apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’. You can apply one cream at a time or mix them, but make sure you rub it in a circular motion until absorbed. After rubbing in your HydroPeptide creams, put on your compression leggings then go about your day.

Optional: In the evening before bed, do a galvanic treatment. Wash the same areas again, apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’ creams then roll the galvanic device over the each treatment area for 5 minutes (i.e. back of thighs, buttocks, belly).

Shower and scrub the treatment area(s) with iodine sponge only. When you get out of the shower towel dry and do not apply anything to your skin. Do your DermaPen treatment according to the instructions. After you finish your DermaPen treatment apply your EGF serum, use a gloved hand to rub it in then fan it dry. After that apply a generous amount of Neosporin ointment to the area then put on a pair of clean leggings. You may apply Vaseline to the rest of your body to prevent your skin from being dry.

Your skin is still tender from the DermaPen treatment, so just shower/wash your skin then reapply your EGF serum and Neosporin ointment for a moisturizer.

Your skin should be a little shinny and maybe a few tiny scabs. Ina few days your skin will start to peel and flake from both the Saliclear & the DermaPen treatment. For FITZ III-VI skin tones, you need to offset any on coming hyper-pigmentation due to this resent “controlled” skin trauma. Mix equal amounts of your HQ30% cream with your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ then apply this over the treatment area

Your skin shouldn’t be as tender now, but if it is just lightly apply the following instructions. Shower and exfoliate your buttocks/thighs/belly/etc. using your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide scrub. Make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/belly in a circular motion upwards. When you get out of the shower, towel dry then spray lemon juice all over your skin then rub it in to spread it evenly. Fan your skin until the lemon juice dries (it will stop stinging when it dries) then apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Body Lift’ lotions (FITZ III-VI: mix yours with HQ30%) make sure you rub it in a circular motion until absorbed. After rubbing in your HydroPeptide creams, use your galvanic device on the area. Make sure you only roll the device in an upward motion for your thighs and belly. After you’re finished, put on your comfortable leggings then go about your day.

Optional: In the evening before bed, do a galvanic treatment. Wash the same areas again, apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’ creams then roll the galvanic device over the each treatment area for 5 minutes.

Shower and lightly exfoliate your buttocks/thighs/belly/etc. using your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide scrub. Make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/belly in a circular motion upwards. When you get out of the shower, towel dry then spray lemon juice all over your skin then rub it to spread it evenly. Fan your skin until the lemon juice dries (it will stop stinging when it dries) then apply a thin layer of Saliclear over the area. Rub the Saliclear in well, then apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’ (FITZ III-VI: mix yours with HQ30%) You can apply one cream at a time or mix them, but make sure you rub it in a circular motion until absorbed. After rubbing in your HydroPeptide creams, put on your comfortable leggings then go about your day.

Optional: In the evening before bed, do a galvanic treatment. Wash the same areas again, apply your ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’ creams then roll the galvanic device over the each treatment area for at least 5 minutes.

Repeat Day 1

Continue the above regimen for the next 3 weeks. On day 28 you may opt to use a little TCA 30% on your stretch marks. Mix equal amounts of TCA30% serum with Saliclear in a separate container. Apply this solution to your stretch marks and let it sit for 5 minutes ONLY. Then thoroughly wash your skin with soap and water in the shower. You may use a little baking soda (mixed with water) to neutralize the acids, but if you’re taking a long soapy shower this will be enough. You can experiment with stronger TCA mixes depending on your own experience/tolerance to chemical peels.

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Plasma fibroblast therapy is an aesthetic procedure some healthcare providers offer as an alternative to laser resurfacing, phenol peels, or surgical face lift to tighten and improve the appearance of skin. This therapy is fairly new to the aesthetic/beauty industry and many providers are starting to offer this service because of demand. Stretch marks can be diminished completely with fibroblast plasma therapy treatments. You can include this treatment in the above regimen to remove your stretch marks even quicker. Your fibroblast plasma treatments must be at least 4 weeks apart, after your skin has peeled & healed. You can either purchase your own plasma pen from or go to your local spa/cosmetic surgeon’s office to have it done professionally.

Plasma fibroblast therapy (aka plasma skin resurfacing) targets fibroblasts. These are collagen and protein producing cells in the dermis, the layer of skin just below your outermost skin layer. Fibroblasts play an important role in helping skin wounds heal as well as maintaining skin firmness and tightness. Plasma fibroblast therapy uses a pen-like device that discharges a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin. The plasma tip doesn’t directly touch the skin, but instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The hot current creates small holes, or micro-injuries, in the skin’s layer. According to an 2019 article published in the PMFA journal, the thermal disruption, or heat damage, from plasma fibroblast therapy:

• Breaks down proteins in the skin
• Encourages tissue regeneration
• Stimulates fibroblast activity
• Causes tissue contraction (tightening)

Fibroblast plasma therapy benefits include:
• Lifts & tightens sagging skin:
wrinkled skin, including the eyelids,
neck, jawline, and above the lips
• Removes wrinkles & fine lines
• Diminishes Stretch marks
• Removes acne scars
• Diminishes age spots
• Treats seborrheic keratosis


Lots of peeling skin. Every time your skin peels it will reveal lighter tighter smoother skin underneath. Each time your skin peels your stretch marks will look less and less noticeable. Therefore continue the above treatment until you feel they are barely noticeable or completely gone. This treatment works on both old and new stretch marks, but it is best if you start working on them as soon as they appear while they are still red.

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Before you get any of these treatments, for best results, it’s recommended that you prime & prep your skin at home using the above regimen. Most professionals will have your treat your skin with exfoliants for 4 weeks before scheduling you for most of the below procedures.

Laser Resurfacing:
There are several cosmetic procedures that completely get rid of stretch marks using lasers. Unfortunately, they’re only suited for skin types FITZ I – FITZ III. CO2 Laser resurfacing completely get rid of stretch marks. Co2 Laser procedures cannot be performed at home, you must find an experienced licensed physician to do this. CO2 laser produce excellent results, unfortunately it can only be used on FITZ I – FITZ III without burning the clients skin and causing hyper-pigmentation. Experienced reputable cosmetic surgeons will not perform this treatment on anyone darker than a FITZ III. If you are currently bleaching your skin and your goal is FITZ III – FITZ I, you can wait until your skin tone reaches this level then you’ll be able to receive the above laser treatments.

Chemical Peels
A phenol peel will also completely get rid of stretch marks and remove 20 years from your face! Phenol peels are performed by a licensed experienced physicians only, and the patient is put under anesthesia for this procedure. Experienced reputable cosmetic surgeons will not perform this procedure on anyone darker than a FITZ II. TCA 30% peels are suitable for all skin types and are commonly used to diminish stretch marks. TCA 30% is a deep peel with healing time needed but it will take several treatments over the course of 12 weeks to completely get rid of stretch marks.

Other Treatments:
There are many spas and cosmetic surgeons that perform other procedures for stretch marks removal, some of them include mesotherapy & micro-needling as instructed above. Their machines are much more advanced for professional use, you can always opt to get weekly treatments from one of these professionals. Mesotherapy & micro-needling treatments can be light or deep (where there’s healing time) and they are both suitable for all skin types.


If you know that you’re going to: Purposely gain weight quickly; Have an area of your body rapidly increased in mass (BBL, Boob job, pregnancy, etc.) then you need to prep your skin so that it’ll stretch efficiently without breaking and creating new stretch marks. Keep your skin exfoliated with Saliclear (pregnant women use GA90%) lemon juice, and exfoliating bath gloves ONLY) and always keep your skin heavily moisturized. I suggest using raw coco butter mixed with Vaseline. I also suggest using a very good cosmeceutical treatment cream, like the ‘HydroPeptide Soothing Balm’ and ‘HydroPeptide Perfecting Body Lift’. Continue to do all of the above until your skin stabilizes, which is about 3 months after birth or cosmetic procedures.

pregnant Caucasian woman rubbing oil cream on her belly, stretch marks before and after, how to get rid of stretch marks, stretch marks removal, stretch mark treatment how to get rid of stretch marks

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