Keratosis pilaris is a common, harmless skin condition. It is characterized by small hard bumps from ingrown hairs. This makes your skin feel like sandpaper and look like bumpy chicken skin.
In ethnic skin {FITZ III – FITZ VI} Keratosis Pilaris bumps are always much darker than the surrounding normal skin. In non-ethnic skin {FITZ I – FITZ II} Keratosis Pilaris bumps are always red or dark-red. In all cases, any individual with KP has rough dry skin in the affected area.
KP bumps appear on your upper arms, thighs, calves, and buttocks. Except for some itching, keratosis pilaris doesn’t hurt and doesn’t get worse. Mostly, KP causes mental anguish to the person affected because it is aesthetically unappealing. But how do I get rid of Keratosis pilaris?
Keratosis Pilaris is caused by a buildup of keratin, what we see as flaky dry dead skin. This buildup forms a plug that blocks the opening of hair follicles. Doctors don’t know what triggers this buildup of dead skin. Because there has been no valid research on this insignificant skin condition that no one cares about. Except for the thousands of people across the globe affected by KP.
Keratosis Pilaris {dead skin clogging hair follicles} is triggered by dry skin and friction. If you have KP and leave your skin dry & unmoisturized. The KP gets worse and your skin itches even more. Add friction on top of already dry cracking skin, and KP worsens. FYI: Dry skin stimulates the production of dead skin, or more dead skin. This is the skin’s way of protecting itself by developing extra layers of dead skin to protect the underlying ‘new’ skin from either drying out or from further injury. Injury like any type of friction. Friction can come from wearing tight pants that scrape your skin as you take them on and off. Or boots the scrape your calves throughout the day. Or constantly scratching and picking your the KP bumps.
I have discovered a way to get rid of this unattractive skin issue or Keratosis pilaris cure. So we can all wear Daisy Dukes, miniskirts, and swimsuits with confidence 😉 You’ll see amazing results within 4 weeks. After Keratosis pilaris treatment, your Keratosis Pilaris will continue to fade until it looks like you never even had it. Please understand that this is a lifetime maintenance regimen. If you stop using my system the KP will return eventually. The good thing is, your daily/weekly regimen isn’t as arduous after the initial 6 weeks. With weekly/daily maintenance your skin will not only be KP free, but it will also be flawless and smooth like the skin of a baby!
• Saliclear
• Strong Skin Bleach {Diluted to 5% HQ}
• Distilled Water
Optional Daily Vitamins:
• MSM Powder: take 24,000 DAILY (helps keep your KP gone)
FITZ I – II: Due to having little to no melanin, your scars heal in a red, dark-red, or purplish hue. So the skin bleach may not work the same as it would for a FITZ III – VI.MSM is a skin beautifying supplement, it’s an anti-ageing and and natural skin whitening agent. I have observed MSM being responsible for keeping my KP cleared up. Even when I’ve stopped being consistent in exfoliating with Saliclear, taking MSM daily has prevented my KP from returning. Taking MSM while following this KP regimen will keep your skin very soft and lessens the need to exfoliate as often, but this is only after initially taking MSM while following this regimen for 3 months straight.
FITZ III – VI: Even if you’re not interested in bleaching your skin. You still need to use skin bleach with this system to remove those unsightly “black dots” that Keratosis Pilaris causes. After your KP bumps have lightened and faded away, you can discontinue use of the bleaching cream, but you must continue to use Saliclear to keep the Keratosis Pilaris gone.
Exfoliation is the act of removing dead skin from you’re the epidermis. Chemical exfoliation is best because it loosens the glue that holds dead skin to the new underlying skin. Removing layers of dead skin reveals new brighter youthful baby soft skin. Exfoliation unplugs the hair follicles of the ingrown hairs that are causing the KP bumps.
Saliclear works wonderful at removing dead skin. Saliclear is a leave-on product consisting of 30% Salicylic Acid. Salicylic acid works miracles on skin of any type. It’s best suited for removing dead skin from your body {Glycolic Acid 70% is best for removing very thick dead skin, like foot corns & calluses}. Saliclear is the key to removing Keritosis Pilaris from your skin
STEP 1: Shower & towel dry
STEP 2: After your skin is completely dry, apply a thin layer of Saliclear to your entire body. Rub it in until it absorbs. Wait 5 minutes then continue to step 3.
STEP 3: Apply your 5% bleaching cream. Click {here} for instructions on diluting your bleaching cream
STEP 4: Before bed, apply your arnica cream to the KP affected areas. Then apply Vaseline to your entire body. Put on a pair of comfortable leggings and long sleeve pajama top.
WEEK ONE: By the end of week one, or beginning of week two. Dead skin will start peeling & flaking. More with each passing day. To get rid of the annoying skin flakes and ‘skin crispies’, you’ll need clear packing tape to remove this. Please click {here} for instructions on using the ‘tape method’. The tape method should only be used long before applying Saliclear to prevent stinging your new raw skin.
No matter what, you need to drink more water to keep your skin from drying out. Dry skin will trigger more KP. Daily water intake should be ½ ounce of water per pound of body weight. Distilled water tastes best, it not only hydrates you but it also removes impurities from your body making your skin even more beautiful.
As your progress in your regimen, you will notice that you have a layer of darker smoother but wrinkly looking skin. This is the layer of dead skin that is about to exfoliate or “peel” off. When it does, you’ll be amazed and happy at what you see revealed underneath. You may also see weird discolorations on that dead skin. Those discolorations are impurities {like dead/spent/used melanin from scars/injury/skin bleaching/etc.} that will peel right off with that dead skin when it finally exfoliates.
View more client Before & After photos here
My theory is, if there is no hair there can be no hair bumps/keratosis pilaris bumps. So after you’re well into your treatment regimen. Perform hair removal.
There are two ways to do this. Waxing & electrolysis. Electrolysis hair removal is the best permanent hair removal procedure on the market. Unlike waxing, it only needs to be performed once. Unlike laser hair removal, anyone of any skin tone {FITZ I – FITZ VI} can get electrolysis and won’t have to worry about getting burned by an inexperienced laser technician. Waxing is good also but needs to be performed bi-weekly as your body hair grows. The good thing about using wax for hair removal is, the hairs grow back thinner each time. In some areas the hair doesn’t even regrow. If you continually wax your body hair, eventually the hair will stop growing and the skin is left smooth and hairless. This is exactly like “traction alopecia” which effects people who wear lace-front wigs, sew-in weaves, too tight hairstyles, and braided hairstyles using synthetic hair. Search YouTube for “traction alopecia” for more info.
You also need to drink water daily. Staying hydrated helps keep your skin from drying out. With all the exfoliation you’re doing you must moisturize and hydrate your body internally and externally. The correct amount of water all human beings: 1/2 once per pound of body weight, daily. Unless certain activities have caused you to loose a lot of water at once {i.e. excersizing, sauna, etc} don’t over indulge in drinking massive amounts of water. You’ll cause hyponatremia {or hyperosmolality} or what is commonly referred to as “water intoxication”.
I love this post! I’m going to try everything here. I had KP since forever and nothing works, least not anything from Walgreens. I’m willing to try this since it’s a different kind of method. Fingers crossed!