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Now that you’re pregnant there are certain exfoliating products & chemical peels that you can no longer safely use on your skin. Even the ones that are safe, you still need to clear this with your OB/GYN before proceeding with use. Also understand that when you exfoliate, your skin becomes more “sun sensitive”. If you go outdoors make sure you wear sunscreen and wear protective UV clothing.





CA is a mild fruit acid found in all citrus fruit. CA is typically derived from lemons. CA is good at keeping normal skin exfoliated. Using fresh lemon juice on your skin will sufficiently exfoliate your skin, even your skintone, and whiten your skin by 1 shade. This is because lemons also contain vitamin-C. If you want stronger CA for use on your body. You can purchase a bag of food grade citric acid powder from your local food market (see below). You would find it in the baking isle, CA is commonly used in candy making. The sweet n’ sour white powder coating on ‘Sour Patches’ candy is citric acid & powdered sugar.
Glycolic acid is a fruit acid, typically derived from sugar cane. GA belongs to the alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA) family ― along with malic and lactic acids. GA70% is very caustic and cannot penetrate past normal skin with out burning badly. If your skin is even a bit raw, once GA is applied to the skin it would sting worse than lemon juice on a paper cut. If you choose to use GA I suggest only using it on your feet and the palms of you hands, only if they have thick dead crusty skin. I wouldn’t suggest using GA (of any strength) on any other part of your body. A pregnant woman’s skin is more sensitive to chemicals peels now than during pre-pregnancy.
A TCA peel is a deep heavy peel that takes 10 days to heal from. TCA peels, of any strength, on normal skin should be discontinued during pregnancy. TCA peels can be used on thick dead crusty skin. Areas like this would be located on the soles of your feet, your heels, and the palms of your hands. There is no down time when you use TCA on super thick dead crusty skin because it cannot penetrate down to the normal layer of skin.
The above acids are applied to the skin, and then rinsed away. So they are safe for use on pregnant skin. If used, GA and TCA should only be used on areas of thick dead crusty skin, usually located on the soles of your feet & the palms of your hands.





Salicylic Acid is basically “aspirin” and should never be taken or used topically while pregnant. You could risk aspirin poisoning or worse. Scientific studies have shown that pregnant women’s exposure to aspirin can cause homosexuality in in unborn fetuses. It is unknown what dose (how much) and for how long it would be consumed, but this is a fact. Sounds crazy and far-fetched, but the government knows of this #fact and and refuses to warn the public about it (just like Red Dye No. 5 can cause psychosis in some children. Information like this is buried in books. At least now you can make an informed decision.
TRETINOIN (retin-A; retinol)
Tretinoin s very irritating and has to be left on the skin. I wouldn’t suggest using Tretinoin (of any strength) on any part of your body while pregnant. A pregnant woman’s skin is more sensitive to chemicals peels and acids now, than during pre-pregnancy.





Exfoliating Bath Gloves
Citric Acid Powder
Plastic Spray Bottle
Dissolve the citric acid powder with equal amounts of distilled water, and pour into your plastic spray bottle. Before a shower, apply this solution to your body and leave it on for 5 minutes. Then get into the shower and rinse the CA off your skin. Shower with your Niacin skin whitening soap. Use your exfoliating bath gloves to scrub your skin in a circular motion. This will keep your skin good and exfoliated until you can start back using Saliclear and GA70% all over your body.
You can use the GA70% and TCA peels on the palms of your hand & the soles of your feet if there is thick dead crusty on them. But you are not to resume heavy chemical peels on your normal skin until you are no longer pregnant.

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