If you been with me long enough then I’m sure you’ve noticed that, every once in a while credit/debit card payments go offline. Well ladies, it’s because  they don’t want us/y’all having these products. Most payment processors don’t allow the sale of my type of product type(s). During signup they’ll all approve you for processing, but will later request that certain products be removed from your website in order to continue processing thru them. Of course the answer is always “No”, hence the account closures. The main products they always request for removal are the skin bleach/whiteners. Payment processors have especially distanced themselves from these types of merchants since the 2020 Riots/#BlackLivesMatter movement.  Yes, there are some prejudices when it comes to Ethnic skincare products, but some of my products  aren’t skintone/race specific (i.e. Tretinoin, Bimatoprost, TCA peels, etc) . Some are considered ‘very strong’ and usually applied by professionals, and sometimes a prescription may be required (in certain states/countries). This is the reason for marketplace sellers being completely cancelled on certain platforms like Ebay , Amazon, Shopify, & Etsy. You may find a few of these types of products on most popular platforms, but eventually they disappear due to TOS violations. A lot of you have requested PayPal as a go to, but they don’t allow the sale of my products either. They will allow it for a while, but then will request that you stop or face account closure. I may accept credit/debit cards in the future again, but please know that it’s always temporary lol. As you can already see, most merchants that sell skin bleach/whiteners don’t even accept credit cards, it’s usually PayPal until they get shut down, only to repeatedly open a new  accounts. – which is what has to be done in order to resume business asap. Whenever I’d experience a payment processing account closure, I would switch on over to manual payments (below) ; signup with a new payment provider; then operate until that one has an issue. Rinse & repeat lol.


There are “High Risk” merchant account providers, but they are all unreasonable shady crooks. They all charge 250%+ the fees of a regular payment processor, plus they all require several hundred dollars be kept in a reserve in case of chargebacks. You’ll make NO MONEY playing with those ripoff artist, and if you try and close your account they’ll attempt to jam you up. Causing you to close/re-open a new bank account & dispute unauthorized ACH from them on the old one. Another issue is, some people are thieves and like to steal via chargeback fraud, and I won’t miss having to deal with that sh@#!t for a while. Yes, you can successfully fight chargeback disputes if you show proof of shipment, delivery, etc. (unless it’s American Express, which is why I stopped accepting their cards a long time ago) but having to spend time submitting all the evidence/response is a pain in the ass. Also, I accepted credit card payments and all the many many many required fees to do so….While my potent ingredients & resale-product ( Tretinoin Gel and Generic Latisse) suppliers don’t accept credit card payments. It’s bank transfers & cash only with them.


Currently, I am not interested in accepting credit/debit card payments. Because it’s more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth, and so many new payment options are available to merchants now. I only wish there were more options for my international customers. Currently, I’m having an additional custom gateway built where customers can also checkout with ApplePay , SamsungPay and GooglePay, all three are available to all customers US, Canada, and international .

Below are the payment methods currently accepted without issue. Some are only available in the U.S. , the others are available to Canada, EU, and all other international customers.

•  CashApp (U.S. Only – credit/debit card)

 Western Union (Worldwide – takes credit/debit card)

•  Remitly (Worldwide – takes credit/debit cards)

•  Bank Wire (Worldwide)

•  Bitcoin (Worldwide – also available thru CashApp)


If you have any favorite and hassle free payment method suggestions, please comment here. thank you all for your patience & continued business.

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