How to get rid of cellulite!? Do you have major cellulite? Do you hate how bumpy & lumpy your thighs look? Do you avoid wearing booty shorts, mini-skirts, swimwear without a coverup, and all other sexy garments that show off your legs??? Well, after reading the following guide you can completely remove your cellulite!
You’ve probably tried everything and searched a long time for how to get rid of cellulite, but nothing really works. This is the ultimate guide to removing cellulite. This guide will cover ALL skin types FITZ I – FITZ VI {click}. In this guide I will tell you exactly how to get rid of cellulite and how to keep it gone, no matter how mild or severe your cellulite is. The main treatment is done at home, but a few will involve ‘optional’ treatments done at either a spa or physician’s office. Most ladies purchase cellulite creams to get rid of their cellulite, but these products alone wont get rid of cellulite. Cellulite creams can be included in the removal of cellulite, because they can deliver specific cosmeceuticals into the skin that will ‘help’ diminish the dimpled appearance of cellulite. Cellulite can definitely be removed, and kept gone, with time and effort.
You will see major results at 4 weeks, but you will began to see results after 7 days of daily treatment. The severity of your cellulite will determine how soon yours will be completely gone. Please know that your cellulite regimen will be more intense/frequent when you first start. After your current cellulite is completely gone, you can reduce your regimen to weekly treatments to prevent more cellulite from coming back.
A cellulite severity scale, published in 2009, ranks the condition using three grades:
Grade 1: Mild: There is an “orange-peel” appearance, with between 1 and 4 superficial depressions, and a slightly “draped” or sagging appearance to the skin.
Grade 2: Moderate: There are between five and nine medium-depth depressions, a “cottage cheese” appearance, and the skin appears moderately draped.
Grade 3: Severe: There is a “mattress” appearance, with 10 or more deep depressions, and the skin is severely draped.
Cellulite is fat and fat can be molded and manipulated. You see this all the time with corset & waist training. It’s also the same with wearing a compression garment after liposuction or BBL surgery, which is done to mold/hold the shape of the fat while it heals into it’s new shape. If fat is compressed massaged and moved around daily, over time it will take a different shape and/or migrate to a different part of the body but still remain one large cohesive unit. This is why the below cellulite removal regimen would even work -Later, I will speak further about tissue & fat manipulation in a post about corset training.
Massaging & pressing the fat around is like kneading dough or clay. You can knead your fat into a uniform smooth area (i.e. stomach, buttocks, legs, back, etc.) by massaging the section in a circular motion for 5 minutes each. This is very tiresome to do manually but it really works, and if you add suction cupping it works even better. Knowing these methods work, many companies have created beauty machines that will do all the work for you. There are many different models on the market. Professionals that run their own spas usually have their cellulite machines customized when purchasing. This is because, as a professional they may require additional functions (and different size treatment heads) so they can offer their clients different services and treat additional areas. As I’ve mentioned before, this method of massage & vacuum can be done manually. I’m sure you’ve seen a lot of cheap devices being sold on the internet (suction cup, sissal brush, etc.) but they’re too weak to make an impact on even mild cellulite. The concept definitely works, but you need a stronger device with a more powerful vacuum; an ergonomic handle; and rollers on the treatment head: to see real results.
Treatment with a cellulite removal machine should be offered after liposuction, and start 3 months post surgery. After liposuction of the stomach or back, the topography of your skin is a little lumpy looking. This is normal because fat was sucked out and the skin has relaxed filling in the empty void. No matter how skilled the surgeon, your belly/back/arms/etc. aren’t going to be 100% even & smooth. This unevenness can be easily remedied with massage & suction. This can be done thru manual massage or with the use of a cellulite removal machine. Cellulite treatments should also be offered as a package deal when clients are getting lipodissolve treatments as well. This will help diminish the fat faster and keep the area from looking lumpy while fat randomly dissolves from the injections.
Cellulite is a term used to describe the formation of lumps and dimples in the skin. Common names for cellulite are orange-peel skin, cottage-cheese butt, hail damage, and mattress butt. Although cellulite can affect men, it’s mostly common in females (due to the different distributions of fat, muscle, and connective tissue) because 80-90 percent of women on this planet have cellulite, and weight is not a factor.
The exact cause of cellulite is unknown, but it appears to result from an interaction between the connective tissue in the dermatological layer that lies below the surface of the skin, and the layer of fat that is just below it. In women, the fat cells and connective tissue in this layer are arranged vertically. If the fat cells protrude into the layer of skin, this gives the appearance of cellulite. In men, the tissue has a criss-cross structure, which may explain why are less likely to have cellulite than women. There are a few other factors appear to be linked to the chance of developing cellulite.
Hormones & Age:
Hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. One theory is that as estrogen in women decreases in the approach to menopause, blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin also decreases.Lower circulation means less oxygen in the area, resulting in lower collagen production. Fat cells also enlarge as estrogen levels fall. These factors combine to makes the fat deposits more visible. As the fat under the skin protrudes through weakening connective tissue, the familiar dimpling effect results. Age also causes the skin to becomes less elastic, thinner, and more likely to sag. This increases the chance of cellulite developing. Cellulite is more likely to happen after the age of 25 years, but it can affect younger people as well, including teenagers.
Genetic factors:
Certain genes are required for cellulite development. Genetic factors can be linked to a person’s speed of metabolism, distribution of fat under the skin, ethnicity, and circulatory levels. These can affect the chance of cellulite developing.
Dietary & Lifestyle:
Weight is not a factor when it comes to cellulite. Yes, cellulite is more prevalent in people who have excess fat (thick or obese) but any female of any age, height, or weight can develop cellulite. Cellulite is not caused by toxins, although a healthy lifestyle may help reduce the risk of developing. People who eat too much fat, carbohydrates, and salt and too little fiber are likely to have greater amounts of cellulite. It may also be more prevalent in smokers, those who do not exercise, and those who sit or stand in one position for long periods of time. Wearing underwear with tight elastic across the buttocks can limit blood flow, and this may contribute to the formation of cellulite. Good news! You don’t have to change your lifestyle, keep living as you are. Just follow the below regiment to get rid of your cellulite and keep it gone.
• Cellulite Removal Machine
• HydroPeptide Active Body Scrub
• Cellulite Cream (source #1; Source #2)
• Silicone Lubricant
• Compression Pants
• Saliclear
• Exfoliating Bath Gloves
• HQ30% Cream (for FIT III-VI skin types)
You’ll need the Saliclear to exfoliate your skin. It’s important to keep your skin exfoliated in order to help the cellulite creams penetrate. Also, exfoliating with Saliclear will make your skin very smooth and supple, it will also remove keratotos pilaris bumps (if you have them). Exfoliating your skin contributes greatly to diminishing the appearance of cellulite. The HQ30% cream is used to offset any hyper-pigmentation that may come due to the suction of the cellulite machine across the skin. After a thorough treatment with the cellulite removal machine there may be a little red/purple bruising, like a hickey.
The Cellulite Removal Machine: You’ve probably seen a few of these cellulite machines online, YouTube, or your local spa. These machines actually work! Most people don’t understand how to properly use them, because most of these machines come from China and the directions aren’t detailed or even in English. Lack of user instructions is also because the manufacturer assumes only professionals are purchasing these machines, because these machine do require some training. There are a lot of different cellulite removal machine models, some are very basic and others are more advanced. The best cellulite removal machine will have a treatment head that has vacuum, rollers, and red therapy lights (promotes circulation & healing). Some of the more advanced professional models have the all above functions along with several other functions like RF (radio frequency) in order to achieve the fastest results. If you have purchased a cellulite removal machine from please follow the accompanying instructions (that I have provided) to get top use out of your machine.
You want to prime and prep your skin first. Early in the day, take a shower with your regular soap and be careful not to exfoliate or scrub your skin too hard. After your shower towel off then apply Saliclear to your legs and buttocks. For FITZ III-VI skin tones you can apply your HQ cream now. After massing these into your skin put on your clothing and go about your day. During the evening you will start your cellulite treatment.
Prep: It’s best to start this once you’re in for the evening. Always start with clean skin. Start by taking another shower, this time you will be exfoliating. Use your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide body scrub, make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/buttocks in a circular motion moving upward. It’s best to start from your knees then work your way up in a circular motion. Rinse off and towel dry your skin.
Procedure: Now you need to apply lubricant to your skin. First moisturize your legs/buttocks with regular lotion to keep your skin from being dry. Now apply a thin layer of the personal lubricant to the back of one thigh. Now start using your cellulite removal machine according to the accompanying product instructions that I have provided. The lubricant is silicone based and will ensure that your skin stays slick while gliding the cellulite treatment head over your skin. Treat each area one section at a time (i.e. one buttcheek at a time; front thighs then sides, etc.) and apply more lubricant as needed. Spend 5 minutes on each large section/area (i.e. back of thighs) before moving on to the next. After you have treated all areas rinse off the lubricant in the shower. Towel dry then apply your cellulite creams to your legs & buttocks, make sure you massage upwards (this ensures that gravity does make things sag even more) . After your creams are massaged in good put on your compression pants or a pair of leggings.
Prep: It’s best to start this once you’re in for the evening. Always start with clean skin. Start by taking another shower, this time you will be exfoliating. Use your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide body scrub, make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/buttocks in a circular motion moving upward. It’s best to start from your knees then work your way up in a circular motion. Rinse off and towel dry your skin.
Procedure: Now you need to apply lubricant to your skin. First moisturize your legs/buttocks with regular lotion to keep your skin from being dry. Now apply a thin layer of the personal lubricant to the back of one thigh. Now start using your cellulite removal machine according to the accompanying product instructions that I have provided. The lubricant is silicone based and will ensure that your skin stays slick while gliding the cellulite treatment head over your skin. Treat each area one section at a time (i.e. one buttcheek at a time; front thighs then sides, etc.) and apply more lubricant as needed. Spend 5 minutes on each large section/area (i.e. back of thighs) before moving on to the next. After you have treated all areas rinse off the lubricant in the shower. Towel dry then apply your cellulite creams to your legs & buttocks, make sure you massage upwards (this ensures that gravity does make things sag even more) . After your creams are massaged in good put on your compression pants or a pair of leggings.
Early in the day, apply Saliclear to your legs and buttocks. For FITZ III-VI skin tones you can apply your HQ cream now. After massing these into your skin put on your clothing and go about your day. During the evening you will start your cellulite treatment.
Prep: It’s best to start this once you’re in for the evening. Always start with clean skin. Start by taking another shower, this time you will be exfoliating. Use your exfoliating bath gloves and your HydroPeptide body scrub, make sure you scrub your thighs/legs/buttocks in a circular motion moving upward. It’s best to start from your knees then work your way up in a circular motion. Rinse off and towel dry your skin.
Procedure: Now you need to apply lubricant to your skin. First moisturize your legs/buttocks with regular lotion to keep your skin from being dry. Now apply a thin layer of the personal lubricant to the back of one thigh. Now start using your cellulite removal machine according to the accompanying product instructions that I have provided. The lubricant is silicone based and will ensure that your skin stays slick while gliding the cellulite treatment head over your skin. Treat each area one section at a time (i.e. one buttcheek at a time; front thighs then sides, etc.) and apply more lubricant as needed. Spend 5 minutes on each large section/area (i.e. back of thighs) before moving on to the next. After you have treated all areas rinse off the lubricant in the shower. Towel dry then apply your cellulite creams to your legs & buttocks, make sure you massage upwards (this ensures that gravity does make things sag even more) . After your creams are massaged in good put on your compression pants or a pair of leggings.
Continue the above regimen until your cellulite is gone. After your cellulite is gone you can reduce to weekly cellulite treatments with the machine. You’ll be applying Saliclear every-other-day, if you’re new to using Saliclear you can reduce usage to 2-3 times a week after your first 14 days of initial use. Experienced Saliclear users, you may use it at your own discretion.
Do expect skin peeling and lots of flakes from Saliclear use, this is going to make the skin on your thighs & buttocks very supple smooth and soft. Saliclear usage alone diminishes the appearance of cellulite. Please take photos of your thighs and buttocks before you start this treatment, then take one photo every 7 days. At 4 weeks review your photos and see the huge difference. The severity of your cellulite will determine how soon yours will be completely gone. But once your cellulite is gone, you can reduce treatments to once a week.
The above treatments are D.I.Y at home treatments, but these same services are offered at your local spas/cosmetic surgeons office. Some treatments I wouldn’t recommend for removing cellulite, because I feel they are unnecessary and will damage the integrity of the skin in the future. And some I would advise you to stay away from if you want to keep your curves. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) has reviewed a number of techniques that may be successful in reducing the appearance of cellulite by breaking up the bands of connective tissue under the skin’s surface. For more options on how to get rid of cellulite, read below.
Maderotherapy: This is a specialized anti-cellulite massage that is two times more effective than a regular anti-cellulite massage. The technique involves a series of frequent and repetitive movements using different wooden elements in combination with manual massage and essential oils. When applying these wooden elements, the lymphatic system of the body is stimulated thereby freeing it of toxins, fat and cellulite. The cellulite will resolve into small pieces and the skin will lose its ‘orange peel’ appearance. This therapy eliminates both the deeper and the more superficial cellulite and it will improve the shape of your legs. You will notice the first results after five treatments, but for the best results we recommend 10-15 treatments. Treatments are performed every second day. Each treatment will end with a herbal packaging, which helps the process. These treatments are offered at many spas around the would, check your local spas and see if they offer this service. Expect to pay about $70-$100 per treatment.
Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is a technique that uses injections of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, and plant extracts to rejuvenate and tighten skin, as well as remove excess fat. Michel Pistor, a doctor in France, developed the technique in 1952. It was originally used to relieve pain. In the years since, it has gained popularity in the United States and other parts of the world. An example of mesotherapy is Botox injections & lip fillers like Restylane.Today, mesotherapy is used to:
• Remove fat in areas like the stomach, thighs, buttocks, hips, legs, arms, and neck
• Reduce Cellulite
• Fade wrinkles and lines
• Tighten loose skin
• Recontour the body
• Lighten pigmented skin
• Treat alopecia & hair loss
The technique uses very fine needles to deliver a series of injections into the middle layer (mesoderm) of skin. The idea behind mesotherapy is that it corrects underlying issues like poor circulation and inflammation that cause skin damage. There isn’t a standard formula for the substances injected in mesotherapy. Doctors use many different solutions, including:
• Prescription medicines like vasodilators and antibiotics
• Hormones such as calcitonin and thyroxin
• Enzymes like collagenase and hyaluronidase
• Herbal extracts
• Vitamins and minerals
Mesotherapy definitely works but should be combined with a cellulite removal machine (w/ vacuum & rollers) to treat cellulite. You also need to make sure your technician has experience and is skilled with injecting if they aren’t using a mesotherapy gun/machine. You don’t want too much fat dissolving material to be injected because too much fat will be melted away and you don’t want to loose all your curves. This needs to be done a little bit at a time to give the body a chance to break down & excrete that dissolving fat; then view/examine your results; then go in for your next mesotherapy session (usually weekly). I do sell a professional mesotherapy gun if you’re comfortable with DIY Mesotherapy. If you do decide on DIY mesotherapy I always suggest using Institute BCN products -a highly reputable company with the best mesotherapy products.
Ultrasonic Cavatation: Ultrasonic cavitation, or ultrasound cavitation, is a cosmetic procedure that’s used to break apart fat deposits in your body. The treatment works as an effective, less invasive alternative to liposuction. Ther melted fat is flushed/excreted through the faces & urine. This treatment works works for cellulite, but please know that this reduces all fat everywhere, so if you don’t want to lose your curses I would suggest getting this treatment only on your stomach arms back and calves. If you actually want to lose fat in your butt and hips, cavatation is great way to lose inches with one treatment. Some technicians request the manufacturer to include a cavatation head on their custom cellulite roller machine.
Acoustic Wave Therapy: This uses a hand-held device to transmit sound waves. It may work, but it can take several sessions. This treatment works but is usually paired with a powerful vacuum roller treatment head, and several other functions (i.e. RF, Light Therapy, etc.).
Laser Treatment: This may improve the appearance of cellulite for a year or more. It involves inserting a very small laser probe under the skin. The laser is then fired, breaking up the tissue. This can also thicken the skin by increasing collagen production. The thickened skin may reduce the appearance of the cellulite below. This can melt fat in areas that you don’t want to lose girth. The technician needs to be skilled with this wand, or your booty.thighs could end up looking uneven.
Subcision: This involves a dermatologist putting a needle under the skin to break up the connective tissue bands. Results can last 2 years or more, says the AAD. Vacuum-assisted precise tissue release cuts the bands using a device containing small blades. As it cuts the connective bands, the tissue underneath moves up to fill the space under the skin, removing the appearance of cellulite. This may last for 3 years, but data on its success is limited. This I feel is screwing with the integrity of the skin, those collagen bands need to stay in tack to keep your skin from looking saggy. The fat in between them just needs to be redistributed and smoothed out by massage & suction.
Carboxytherapy: Involves inserting carbon dioxide gas under the skin. Side effects include bruising and discomfort after the procedure, but some cellulite might disappear. I’m not confident in recommending this treatment at all.
Endermologie: This involves a deep massage with a vacuum-like device that lifts the skin. The United States (U.S.) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved it as safe, but there is little evidence that it works, say the AAD. This treatment works but is usually paired with a powerful vacuum roller treatment head, and several other functions (i.e. RF, Light Therapy, etc.).
RF (Radio Frequency): Radiofrequency therapy heats up the fatty layer of skin. The applied heat separates the water molecules from the fibrous collagen, causing an immediate contraction, resulting in skin tightening and fat loss. A lot of cellulite treatment machines have RF along with vacuum and rollers in the treatment head. Cellulite removal machines with RF will reduce cellulite, but like Thermage does (but not as strong) it melts fat. You may want to avoid this if you’re a lady that doesn’t want to risk losing your curves.
Thermage: Is a non-invasive advanced radiofrequency (RF) therapy it heats up the fatty layer of skin. The applied heat separates the water molecules from the fibrous collagen, causing an immediate contraction, resulting in skin tightening and fat loss. I don’t agree with this treatment for cellulite or skin tightening. Because it burns and destroys fats cells and it’s power cannot be controlled or predicted. There are women who have gotten Thermage treatments on there face and ended up loosing volume in there face, and not evenly. This has caused a gaunt aged look for these individuals. Women that have gotten Thermage for cellulite have had some success, you can see some of the before & after photos on Google (those are the cases with positive results). But a lot of women with curves have complained that their hourglass figure is gone because the Thermage melted too much fat away in their hips and butt. Thermage is only good for treating areas that you expect all of the fat to melt away and not necessarily uniformly -like your stomach back and arms
This guide show you how to get rid of cellulite, but treating cellulite is ongoing thing. As I explained before, once your cellulite is gone you must do weekly maintenance treatments to keep it gone. You also can keep your cellulite gone by massaging daily when you shower. This is easy because you’re definitely going to shower anyway, so use this time to maintain your thighs/legs/buttocks to keep the cellulite gone. Purchase a massage bath bush (has the little plastic cleats within the bristles) to use along with your exfoliating bath gloves. When in the shower, scrub your thighs/legs/buttocks in a circular motion upwards. Use your HydroPeptide cellulite scrub while in the shower. Afterwards, towel dry then apply your cellulite creams (massage it in upwards) then put on your compression pants or nice pair of comfortable leggings. This daily treatment will keep your cellulite gone and diminish the frequency of cellulite machine use. You don’t have to change you diet or lifestyle, cellulite can/will still develop regardless. Even an obese woman can have cellulite free legs & thighs if they follow this guide.